# Python packages
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import pi
from scipy.integrate import ode
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import TOVsolver.unit as unit
def m1_from_mc_m2(mc, m2):
"""a function that feed back the companion star mass from GW event measurement.
mc (float): chrip mass of a GW event, unit in solar mass.
m2 (float or numpy array): the determined mass for one of the star, this
is computed from sampling of EoS.
m1 (float or numpy array): the companion star mass in solar mass.
m2 = np.array(m2)
num1 = (2.0 / 3.0) ** (1.0 / 3.0) * mc**5.0
denom1 = (
9 * m2**7.0 * mc**5.0
+ np.sqrt(3.0)
* np.sqrt(abs(27 * m2**14.0 * mc**10.0 - 4.0 * m2**9.0 * mc**15.0))
) ** (1.0 / 3.0)
denom2 = 2.0 ** (1.0 / 3.0) * 3.0 ** (2.0 / 3.0) * m2**3.0
return num1 / denom1 + denom1 / denom2
def pressure_adind(P, epsgrid, presgrid):
idx = np.searchsorted(presgrid, P)
if idx == 0:
eds = epsgrid[0] * np.power(P / presgrid[0], 3.0 / 5.0)
adind = (
/ 3.0
* presgrid[0]
* np.power(eds / epsgrid[0], 5.0 / 3.0)
* 1.0
/ eds
* (eds + P)
/ P
if idx == len(presgrid):
eds = epsgrid[-1] * np.power(P / presgrid[-1], 3.0 / 5.0)
adind = (
/ 3.0
* presgrid[-1]
* np.power(eds / epsgrid[-1], 5.0 / 3.0)
* 1.0
/ eds
* (eds + P)
/ P
ci = np.log(presgrid[idx] / presgrid[idx - 1]) / np.log(
epsgrid[idx] / epsgrid[idx - 1]
eds = epsgrid[idx - 1] * np.power(P / presgrid[idx - 1], 1.0 / ci)
adind = (
* presgrid[idx - 1]
* np.power(eds / epsgrid[idx - 1], ci)
* 1.0
/ eds
* (eds + P)
/ P
return adind
def TOV(r, y, inveos):
pres, m = y
# eps = 10**inveos(np.log10(pres))
eps = inveos(pres)
dpdr = -(eps + pres) * (m + 4.0 * pi * r**3.0 * pres)
dpdr = dpdr / (r * (r - 2.0 * m))
dmdr = 4.0 * pi * r**2.0 * eps
return np.array([dpdr, dmdr])
def TOV_def(r, y, inveos, ad_index):
"""a function that packing the whole TOV equations set
r (float): raius as integrate varible
y (psudo-varible): containing pressure, mass, h and b as intergarte varibles
to solve out the TOV equation
inveos: the invert of the eos, pressure and energy density relation to integrate
and interpolate.
Mass (array): The array that contains all the Stars' masses, in M_sun as a
Radius (array): The array that contains all the Stars's radius, in km.
Tidal Deformability (array): The array that contains correpsonding Tidal property,
These are dimension-less.
pres, m, h, b = y
# energy_density = 10**inveos(np.log10(pres))
eps = inveos(pres)
dpdr = -(eps + pres) * (m + 4.0 * pi * r**3.0 * pres)
dpdr = dpdr / (r * (r - 2.0 * m))
dmdr = 4.0 * pi * r**2.0 * eps
dhdr = b
dfdr = 2.0 * np.power(1.0 - 2.0 * m / r, -1) * h * (
* np.pi
* (5.0 * eps + 9.0 * pres + (eps + pres) ** 2.0 / (pres * ad_index))
+ 3.0 / np.power(r, 2)
+ 2.0
* np.power(1.0 - 2.0 * m / r, -1)
* np.power(m / np.power(r, 2) + 4.0 * np.pi * r * pres, 2)
) + 2.0 * b / r * np.power(1.0 - 2.0 * y[1] / r, -1) * (
-1.0 + m / r + 2.0 * np.pi * np.power(r, 2) * (eps - pres)
return np.array([dpdr, dmdr, dhdr, dfdr])
# Function solves the TOV equation, returning mass and radius
def solveTOV_tidal(center_rho, energy_density, pressure):
"""Solve TOV equation from given Equation of state in the neutron star
core density range
center_rho(array): This is the energy density here is fixed in main
that is np.logspace(14.3, 15.6, 50)
energy_density (array): Desity array of the neutron star EoS, in MeV/fm^{-3}
Notice here for simiplicity, we omitted G/c**4 magnitude, so
(value in MeV/fm^{-3})*G/c**4, could convert to the energy density we are
using, please check the Test_EOS.csv to double check the order of magnitude.
pressure (array): Pressure array of neutron star EoS, also in nautral unit
with MeV/fm^{-3}, still please check the Test_EOS.csv, the conversion is
(value in dyn/cm3)*G/c**4.
Mass (array): The array that contains all the Stars' masses, in M_sun as a
Radius (array): The array that contains all the Stars's radius, in km.
Tidal Deformability (array): The array that contains correpsonding Tidal property,
These are dimension-less.
# eos = UnivariateSpline(np.log10(eps), np.log10(pres), k=1, s=0)
# inveos = UnivariateSpline(np.log10(pressure), np.log10(energy_density), k=1, s=0)
# We could change this to Double Log Interpolation。
c = 3e10
G = 6.67428e-8
# tzzhou: migrating to new units
center_rho = center_rho / unit.g_cm_3
energy_density = energy_density * G / c**2 / unit.g_cm_3
pressure = pressure * G / c**4 / unit.dyn_cm_2
unique_pressure_indices = np.unique(pressure, return_index=True)[1]
unique_pressure = pressure[np.sort(unique_pressure_indices)]
if np.any(np.diff(unique_pressure) == 0):
raise ValueError("Pressure values are not unique")
if np.any(np.diff(energy_density) == 0):
raise ValueError("energy_density values are not unique")
# Interpolate pressure vs. energy density
eos = interp1d(energy_density, pressure, kind="cubic", fill_value="extrapolate")
# Interpolate energy density vs. pressure
inveos = interp1d(
Pmin = pressure[20]
r = 4.441e-16
dr = 10.0
rmax = 50 * 1e5
rhocent = center_rho * G / c**2.0
# pcent = 10**eos(np.log10(rhocent))
pcent = eos(rhocent)
P0 = pcent - (2.0 * pi / 3.0) * (pcent + rhocent) * (3.0 * pcent + rhocent) * r**2.0
m0 = 4.0 / 3.0 * pi * rhocent * r**3.0
h0 = r**2.0
b0 = 2.0 * r
stateTOV = np.array([P0, m0, h0, b0])
ad_index = pressure_adind(P0, energy_density, pressure)
sy = ode(TOV_def, None).set_integrator("dopri5")
# have been modified from Irida to this integrator
sy.set_initial_value(stateTOV, r).set_f_params(inveos, ad_index)
while sy.successful() and stateTOV[0] > Pmin:
stateTOV = sy.integrate(sy.t + dr)
dpdr, dmdr, dhdr, dfdr = TOV_def(sy.t + dr, stateTOV, inveos, ad_index)
dr = 0.46 * (1.0 / stateTOV[1] * dmdr - 1.0 / stateTOV[0] * dpdr) ** (-1.0)
Mb = stateTOV[1]
Rns = sy.t
y = Rns * stateTOV[3] / stateTOV[2]
tidal = tidal_deformability(y, Mb, Rns)
return Mb * c**2.0 / G * unit.g, Rns * unit.cm, tidal
def solveTOV(center_rho, Pmin, eos, inveos):
"""Solve TOV equation from given Equation of state in the neutron star
core density range
center_rho(array): This is the energy density here is fixed in main
that is range [10**14.3, 10**15.6] * unit.g_cm_3
Pmin (float): In unit.G / unit.c**4
eos (function): pressure vs. energy density, energy density in unit.G / unit.c**2, pressure in unit.G / unit.c**4
inveos (function): energy density vs. pressure
Mass (float): The Stars' masses
Radius (float): The Stars's radius
r = 4.441e-16 * unit.cm
dr = 10.0 * unit.cm
pcent = eos(center_rho)
P0 = (
- (4.0 * pi / 3.0) * (pcent + center_rho) * (3.0 * pcent + center_rho) * r**2.0
m0 = 4.0 / 3.0 * pi * center_rho * r**3.0
stateTOV = np.array([P0, m0])
sy = ode(TOV, None).set_integrator("dopri5")
# have been modified from Irida to this integrator
sy.set_initial_value(stateTOV, r).set_f_params(inveos)
while sy.successful() and stateTOV[0] > Pmin:
stateTOV = sy.integrate(sy.t + dr)
dpdr, dmdr = TOV(sy.t + dr, stateTOV, inveos)
dr = 0.46 * (1.0 / stateTOV[1] * dmdr - 1.0 / stateTOV[0] * dpdr) ** (-1.0)
# at the end of this function, we rescale the quantities back
return stateTOV[1] * unit.c**2 / unit.G, sy.t