Start Here!
Welcome to CompactObject! This guide will help you get started after successfully installing the package and activating your virtual environment. Follow the steps below to achieve your scientific goals using the functionalities of the CompactObject package.
Package Installation: Ensure you have installed CompactObject successfully, see installation instructions here: Installation .
Virtual Environment: Activate your virtual environment where CompactObject is installed , also see installation instructions here: Installation .
Depending on Your Scientific Goal
If you are new to CompactObject and wish to familiarize yourself with its basic concepts and introduction:
Index Page: Explore the Index Page for an overview of the package.
README: Review the README on GitHub to understand the package’s purpose and features.
To use CompactObject for generating equations of state:
EOS Generators Tutorial: Start with the EOS Generators Tutorial, which showcases all currently integrated EOS computations in the package. The supported EOS models include:
Relativistic Mean Field (RMF) Model: Here we adopted the RMF model from the (Lalazissis et al. 1997) and (Tolos et al. 2016).
Strangeon Star Model: Original model proposed in (Xu 2003)
Quark Star Model: MIT Bag Model in (Chodos 1974)
Polytropic Model proposed in (Hebeler et al. 2013), here we adapted the original code definition of “eos_core_pp” from NEoST software (Raaijmakers et al. 2025), see the page in Polytrope model.
Speed of Sound Model proposed in (Grief et al. 2019).
Density-Dependent EOS Model proposed in (Typel et al. 2010).
…and more
To utilize the TOV solver integrated within CompactObject:
TOV Solver Tutorial: Refer to the TOV Solver Tutorial. This tutorial demonstrates how to perform TOV computations using table-based EOS.
Inputting an Array: If you prefer to input an array instead of a table, refer back to the EOS Generators Tutorial. The quantities currently available are:
Tidal Deformability
CompactObject offers robust tools for Bayesian inference related to neutron star EOS. There are two primary scenarios:
Using Integrated EOS for Inference
If you wish to perform Bayesian inference using the EOS models already integrated into CompactObject, follow these examples:
RMF EOS Inference Pipeline: Explore the RMF EOS Inference Pipeline.
density-dependent Hartree EOS Inference Pipeline: Explore the DDH EOS Inference Pipeline.
Strangeon EOS Inference Pipeline: Check out the Strangeon EOS Inference Pipeline.
MIT Bag Model EOS Inference Pipeline: Check out the MIT Bag Model EOS Inference Pipeline.
Speed of Sound EOS Inference Pipeline: Check out the Speed of Sound EOS Inference Pipeline.
Polytrope EOS Inference Pipeline: Check out the Polytrope EOS Inference Pipeline.
If you computer don’t have OpenMPI and only want to parallelize your code in your labtop or a server, we also provide options for implementing the MCMC sampling method, to do the inference, which could easily scale up in a personal computer. Except for using UltraNest, we use EMCEE in this version of pipeline, here below are some of the examples (not all the equation of state we provided the EMCEE version, since some of them could be time-consuming and we default recommend you to use UltraNest to scale up computation in a High performance computation facility)
RMF EOS Inference MCMC Pipeline:, see RMF EOS EMCEE Inference Pipeline
Strangeon EOS MCMC Inference Pipeline: Check out the Strangeon EOS EMCEE Inference Pipeline.
MIT Bag Model EOS MCMC Inference Pipeline: Check out the MIT Bag Model EOS EMCEE Inference Pipeline.
Polytrope EOS MCMC Inference Pipeline: Check out the Polytrope EOS EMCEE Inference Pipeline.
Using Your Own EOS for Inference
If you have developed your own EOS and wish to perform Bayesian inference:
Contributor Instructions: Follow the Instructions for Contributors to define your EOS without conflicts and understand the necessary tests to ensure computational accuracy.
Constructing a New Pipeline: Utilize the existing inference pipelines, such as the RMF EOS Inference Pipeline and the Strangeon EOS Inference Pipeline, as reference points to build your own inference workflow based on CompactObject.
Performance Considerations: Ensure that the computation time for a single EOS is within the sub-second range to handle millions of samples required for Bayesian inference efficiently.
Contribution Invitation: Consider contributing your EOS to our community if you are using our package! This will boost the influence of your work and make you a collaborator on this project. We can also promote your results on our page. Please check the Instructions for Contributors if you wish to contribute.
If you aim to use the inference modules of CompactObject for Bayesian inference outside of EOS studies, such as in high-energy physics or other astrophysical fields:
Example Notebook: Refer to the Sample Glitch Bayesian Inference Notebook for an example of how to apply CompactObject to different inference scenarios.
If the existing tutorials do not cover your specific needs, such as:
Modifying the TOV Solver: For example, changing to a double-fluid TOV solver.
Investigating Additional EOS-Related Quantities: Beyond pressure and density used in TOV solving.
You can:
API Documentation: Consult the detailed API documentation to identify and utilize the functions you need.
GitHub Repository: Visit our GitHub Page to explore the source code and understand the internal workings of CompactObject.
Note: The key functions, including the TOVsolver module code, form the foundation for all inference and computations. Modifying them may require substantial code restructuring. Therefore, if you clone the repository locally and need to make changes to the TOVsolver, proceed with caution to avoid extensive code rebuilding. Only original contributors have permission to modify the TOVsolver module code, and such commits must undergo detailed reviews by the original members of the project.
Computation requirements and citation
Bayesian inference could be quite computation expensive especially when the EOS parameters dimensions increase, So we provide a detailed Computation guide on estimating how many computation resources are required if you would like to use the integrated EOS functions in our package and what is the computation speed requirement if you would like to implement a self-defined EOS functions.
If you used our pipeline and code in your study, please consider to cite us, there is the list of publication you could cite in Publications page
We welcome feedback and contributions to expand the functionalities of CompactObject. Your support helps enhance the tool for the entire research community.
For inquiries, contributions, or to be featured in our publications list, please contact us at