Source code for EOSgenerators.fastRMF_EoS

from NumbaMinpack import lmdif, hybrd, minpack_sig
from TOVsolver.unit import g_cm_3, dyn_cm_2
from numba import njit, jit, cfunc
from scipy import optimize
import numpy as np
import math

c = 2.99792458e10
G = 6.67428e-8
Msun = 1.989e33

dyncm2_to_MeVfm3 = 1.0 / (1.6022e33)
gcm3_to_MeVfm3 = 1.0 / (1.7827e12)
oneoverfm_MeV = 197.327053

m_e = 2.5896041 * 10**-3
m_mu = 0.5354479981
m_n = 4.7583690772
m_p = 4.7583690772

J_B = 1 / 2.0
b_B = 1

m_l = [m_e, m_mu]
m_b = [m_p, m_n]

Matrix_b = np.array(
    [[1.0, 1.0, 1 / 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0, -1 / 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]

Matrix_l = np.array([[0.0, -1.0, 1 / 2.0], [0.0, -1.0, 1 / 2.0]])

[docs] @jit def initial_values(rho, theta): """Outputs the the sigma, omega, rho term and chemical potential of electron and neutron at given initial density. (Compiled Version) Args: rho (float): given nuclear density theta (array): parameters of determine a RMF model in Lagrangian; here, we have 10 parameters. Returns: sigma (float): sigma term in Lagrangian omega (float): omega term in Lagrangian rho_03 (float): rho term in Lagrangian mu_n (float): chemical potential of neutron matter mu_e (float): chemical potential of electron portion """ m_sig, m_w, m_rho, g_sigma, g_omega, g_rho, kappa, lambda_0, zeta, Lambda_w = theta m_e = 2.5896041 * 10**-3 m_mu = 0.5354479981 m_n = 4.7583690772 m_p = 4.7583690772 rho_0 = 0.1505 sigma = g_sigma * rho / (m_sig**2) rho_03 = -g_rho * rho / (2.0 * (m_rho**2)) omega = rho * ( (((m_w**2) / g_omega) + (2.0 * Lambda_w * ((g_rho * rho_03) ** 2) * g_omega)) ** (-1.0) ) m_eff = m_n - (g_sigma * sigma) mu_n = m_eff + g_omega * omega + g_rho * rho_03 * Matrix_b[1, 2] mu_e = 0.12 * m_e * (rho / rho_0) ** (2 / 3.0) return sigma, omega, rho_03, mu_n, mu_e
@cfunc(minpack_sig) def myfunc(x, fvec, args): """Outputs the the sigma, omega, rho term and chemical potential of electron and neutron at a given initial density, (Faster Version Using Numba) Args: rho (float): given nuclear density. theta (array): parameters of specific a RMF model in Lagrangian; here, we have 10 parameters. Returns: sigma (float): sigma term in Lagrangian. omega (float): omega term in Lagrangian. rho_03 (float): rho term in Lagrangian. mu_n (float): chemical potential of neutron matter. mu_e (float): chemical potential of electron portion. """ m_sig = args[0] m_w = args[1] m_rho = args[2] g_sigma = args[3] g_omega = args[4] g_rho = args[5] kappa = args[6] lambda_0 = args[7] zeta = args[8] Lambda_w = args[9] rho = args[10] m_e = 2.5896041 * 10**-3 m_mu = 0.5354479981 m_n = 4.7583690772 m_p = 4.7583690772 J_B = 1 / 2.0 b_B = 1 m_l = np.array([m_e, m_mu]) m_b = np.array([m_p, m_n]) Matrix_b = np.array( [[1.0, 1.0, 1 / 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0, -1 / 2.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]] ) Matrix_l = np.array([[0.0, -1.0, 1 / 2.0], [0.0, -1.0, 1 / 2.0]]) sigma = x[0] omega = x[1] rho_03 = x[2] mu_n = x[3] mu_e = x[4] rho_B_list = [] rho_SB_list = [] q_list = [] m_eff = m_n - (g_sigma * sigma) # i = 0 # j = 0 for i in range(len(Matrix_b)): # while i < len(Matrix_b): mu_b = Matrix_b[i, 0] * mu_n - Matrix_b[i, 1] * mu_e E_fb = mu_b - g_omega * omega - g_rho * rho_03 * Matrix_b[i, 2] k_fb_sq = E_fb**2 - m_eff**2 if k_fb_sq < 0: k_fb_sq = 0.0 E_fb = m_eff k_fb = math.sqrt(k_fb_sq) rho_B = ((2 * J_B) + 1) * b_B * k_fb**3 / (6.0 * math.pi**2) rho_SB = (m_eff / (2.0 * math.pi**2)) * ( E_fb * k_fb - (m_eff ** (2)) * np.log((E_fb + k_fb) / m_eff) ) rho_B_list.append(rho_B) rho_SB_list.append(rho_SB) Q_B = ((2.0 * J_B) + 1.0) * Matrix_b[i, 1] * k_fb**3 / (6.0 * math.pi**2) q_list.append(Q_B) # i += 1 for j in range(len(Matrix_l)): # while j < len(Matrix_l): mu_l = Matrix_l[j, 0] * mu_n - Matrix_l[i, 1] * mu_e E_fl = mu_l k_fl_sq = E_fl**2 - m_l[j]**2 if k_fl_sq < 0.0: k_fl_sq = 0.0 k_fl = math.sqrt(k_fl_sq) Q_L = ((2.0 * J_B) + 1.0) * Matrix_l[i, 1] * (k_fl**3) / (6.0 * (math.pi**2)) q_list.append(Q_L) # rho_l = k_fl**3 / (3.*(math.pi**2)) # rho_list.append(rho_l) sum1 = 0.0 sum2 = 0.0 sum3 = 0.0 sum4 = 0.0 sum5 = 0.0 for i in range(len(rho_SB_list)): sum1 = sum1 + rho_SB_list[i] * Matrix_b[:,3][i] for i in range(len(rho_B_list)): sum2 = sum2 + rho_B_list[i] * Matrix_b[:,4][i] for i in range(len(rho_B_list)): sum3 = sum3 + rho_B_list[i] * Matrix_b[:,5][i] * Matrix_b[:,2][i] for i in range(len(rho_B_list)): sum4 = sum4 + rho_B_list[i] for i in range(len(q_list)): sum5 = sum5 + q_list[i] fvec[0] = (sigma*(m_sig**2)/g_sigma - sum1 +(kappa*(g_sigma*sigma)**2)/2.\ + (lambda_0*(g_sigma*sigma)**3)/6.)**2 fvec[1] = (omega*(m_w**2)/g_omega - sum2 + (zeta*(g_omega*omega)**3)/6.\ + 2.*Lambda_w*g_omega*omega*(rho_03*g_rho)**2)**2 fvec[2] = (rho_03*(m_rho**2)/g_rho - sum3 + 2.*Lambda_w*g_rho*rho_03*(omega*g_omega)**2)**2 fvec[3] = (rho - sum4)**2 fvec[4] = sum5**2 funcptr = myfunc.address # address in memory to myfunc
[docs] @njit def Energy_density_Pressure(x, rho, theta, return_tag=False): """ Computes the pressure and energy density for the equation of state (EOS) based on the Relativistic Mean Field (RMF) model parameters, (Faster Version Using Numba) Args: x (array): An array containing the initial values for sigma, omega, rho, and chemical potential, obtained from the `initial_values` function. rho (float): The central density at which the EOS computation begins. theta (array): An array of 10 parameters that define the RMF model in the Lagrangian. return_tag (bool, optional): If False (default), returns only the energy density and pressure. If True, returns additional EOS components. Returns: tuple: If `return_tag` is False: energy_density (float): The energy density in natural units (to convert to, divide by pressure (float): The pressure in natural units. If `return_tag` is True: numpy array: A 1D array representing EOS components: - EoS[0]: Number density in fm-3. - EoS[1]: Energy density in natural units. - EoS[2]: Pressure in natural units. - EoS[3]: Proton chemical potential in natural units. - EoS[4]: Neutron chemical potential in natural units. - EoS[5]: Electron chemical potential in natural units. - EoS[6]: Muon chemical potential in natural units. - EoS[7]: Proton fraction (dimensionless). """ sigma, omega, rho_03, mu_n, mu_e = x m_sig, m_w, m_rho, g_sigma, g_omega, g_rho, kappa, lambda_0, zeta, Lambda_w = theta m_e = 2.5896041 * 10**-3 m_mu = 0.5354479981 m_n = 4.7583690772 m_p = 4.7583690772 J_B = 1 / 2.0 b_B = 1 m_l = np.array([m_e, m_mu]) m_b = np.array([m_p, m_n]) energy_b = 0 energy_l = 0 multi = 0 EoS = np.empty(8, dtype=np.float64) #["rho", "energy density", "pressure", "mu_p", "mu_n", "mu_e", "mu_mu", "proton_fraction"] m_eff = m_n - (g_sigma * sigma) for i in range(len(Matrix_b)): mu_b = Matrix_b[i, 0] * mu_n - Matrix_b[i, 1] * mu_e EoS[3+i] = mu_b E_fb = mu_b - g_omega * omega - g_rho * rho_03 * Matrix_b[i, 2] k_fb_sq = E_fb**2 - m_eff**2 if k_fb_sq < 0: k_fb_sq = 0.0 E_fb = m_eff k_fb = math.sqrt(k_fb_sq) rho_B = ((2.0 * J_B) + 1.0) * b_B * (k_fb**3) / (6.0 * math.pi**2) if i == 0: #when b = proton, EoS[7] = rho_B / rho multi = multi + mu_b * rho_B energy_baryon = (1 / (8.0 * (math.pi**2))) * ( k_fb * (E_fb**3) + (k_fb**3) * E_fb - np.log((k_fb + E_fb) / m_eff) * m_eff**4 ) energy_b = energy_b + energy_baryon for j in range(len(Matrix_l)): mu_l = Matrix_l[i, 0] * mu_n - Matrix_l[j, 1] * mu_e EoS[5+j] = mu_l k_fl_sq = mu_l**2 - m_l[j] ** 2 if k_fl_sq < 0.0: k_fl_sq = 0.0 k_fl = math.sqrt(k_fl_sq) rho_l = k_fl**3 / (3.0 * math.pi**2) multi = multi + mu_l * rho_l energy_lepton = (1 / (8.0 * (math.pi**2))) * ( k_fl * (mu_l**3) + mu_l * (k_fl**3) - (m_l[j] ** 4) * np.log((k_fl + mu_l) / m_l[j]) ) energy_l = energy_l + energy_lepton sigma_terms = ( 0.5 * ((sigma * m_sig) ** 2) + (kappa * ((g_sigma * sigma) ** 3)) / 6.0 + (lambda_0 * ((g_sigma * sigma) ** 4)) / 24.0 ) omega_terms = 0.5 * ((omega * m_w) ** 2) + (zeta * ((g_omega * omega) ** 4)) / 8.0 rho_terms = 0.5 * ((rho_03 * m_rho) ** 2) + +3.0 * Lambda_w * ( (g_rho * rho_03 * g_omega * omega) ** 2 ) energy_density = energy_b + energy_l + sigma_terms + omega_terms + rho_terms Pressure = multi - energy_density if return_tag: EoS[0] = rho EoS[1] = energy_density EoS[2] = Pressure return EoS else: EoS[1] = energy_density EoS[2] = Pressure return EoS
# define a function that computes the EoS
[docs] def compute_EOS(eps_crust, pres_crust, theta, return_tag=False): """Generate core part equation of state, main function, from RMF model, (Faster Version Using Numba) Args: eps_crust (array): the energy density of crust EoS in pres_crust (array): the pressure from crust EoS model in theta (array): An array representing the parameters used to determine a RMF model in the Lagrangian. In this case, the RMF model is defined by 10 parameters. return_tag (bool, optional): If False (default), returns only the energy density and pressure. If True, returns additional EOS components. Returns: If `return_tag` is False: energy_density (float): The energy density in natural units (to convert to, divide by pressure (float): The pressure in natural units. If `return_tag` is True: numpy array: A 1D array representing EOS components: - EoS[0]: Number density in fm-3. - EoS[1]: Energy density in natural units. - EoS[2]: Pressure in natural units. - EoS[3]: Proton chemical potential in natural units. - EoS[4]: Neutron chemical potential in natural units. - EoS[5]: Electron chemical potential in natural units. - EoS[6]: Muon chemical potential in natural units. - EoS[7]: Proton fraction (dimensionless). """ dt = 0.05 rho_0 = 0.1505 x_init = np.array(initial_values(0.1 * rho_0, theta), dtype=np.float64) if return_tag: EoS = np.empty((124, 8), dtype=np.float64) else: Energy = np.empty(124, dtype=np.float64) Pressure = np.empty(124, dtype=np.float64) for i in range(1, 125): rho = i * dt * rho_0 args = np.append(theta, rho) xsol, fvec, success, info = lmdif(funcptr, x_init, 5, args) Re = Energy_density_Pressure(x_init, rho, theta, return_tag) if return_tag: # Re = [ rho , energy_density , pressure, mu_n , mu_p , mu_e , mu_mu , proton_fraction ] Re[1] = Re[1] * oneoverfm_MeV / gcm3_to_MeVfm3 Re[2] = Re[2] * oneoverfm_MeV / dyncm2_to_MeVfm3 Re[3] = Re[3] Re[4] = Re[4] Re[5] = Re[5] Re[6] = Re[6] EoS[i-1] = Re else: Energy[i-1] = Re[1]*oneoverfm_MeV / gcm3_to_MeVfm3 Pressure[i-1] = Re[2]*oneoverfm_MeV / dyncm2_to_MeVfm3 x_init = xsol if return_tag: end = 0 for i in range(0, len(EoS) - 1): if EoS[i][1] > max(eps_crust / g_cm_3) and i > 18: end = i + 2 break end += 1 EoS = EoS[end::].T EoS[1] = EoS[1] * g_cm_3 EoS[2] = EoS[2] * dyn_cm_2 return EoS else: end = 0 for i in range(0, len(Energy) - 1): if Energy[i] > max(eps_crust / g_cm_3) and i > 18: end = i + 2 break end += 1 ep = Energy[end::] pr = Pressure[end::] # tzzhou: migrating to new unit convention ep = ep * g_cm_3 pr = pr * dyn_cm_2 return ep, pr
##################### Date: 04 Nov 2024 ####################### ### João Cartaxo ### Tuhin Malik ### Constança Providência ###
[docs] def initial_guess_alpha(rho, theta): """ Outputs the sigma, omega, rho field value, (Faster Version Using Numba) Args: rho (float): given nuclear density theta (array): parameters to determine an RMF model in Lagrangian, here there are 11 parameters, where the last parameters are the proton fraction (alpha) and the number density rho. Returns: math.sqrt(sigma) (float): square root of the sigma term in the Lagrangian. math.sqrt(omega) (float): square root of the omega term in the Lagrangian. rho_03 (float): rho term in the Lagrangian. """ m_sig, m_w, m_rho, g_sigma, g_omega, g_rho, kappa, lambda_0, zeta, Lambda_w, alpha = theta sigma = g_sigma*rho/(m_sig**2) rho_03 = -g_rho*rho/(2.*(m_rho**2)) omega = rho*((((m_w**2)/g_omega)+\ (2.*Lambda_w*((g_rho*rho_03)**2)*g_omega))**(-1.)) return math.sqrt(sigma), math.sqrt(omega), rho_03
[docs] @njit def fields_alpha(x, args): """ Iterate the sigma, omega, and rho fields for a given proton fraction and density. (Faster Version Using Numba) Args: x (array): initial sqrt(sigma) sqrt(omega) and rho from initial_values function. args (array): parameters to determine a RMF model in Lagrangian; here, we have 12 parameters, where the last parameters are the proton fraction (alpha) and the density rho. For pure neutron matter (PNM), alpha is 0, and for symmetric nuclear matter, alpha is 0.5. Returns: f (array): field equations which are then solved using the scipy root finding function. """ m_sig, m_w, m_rho, g_sigma, g_omega, g_rho, kappa, lambda_0, zeta, Lambda_w, alpha, rho = args m_n = 4.7583690772 m_p = 4.7583690772 sigma_sqrt, omega_sqrt, rho_03 = x sigma = sigma_sqrt**2 omega = omega_sqrt**2 m_eff = m_n - (g_sigma*sigma) # Proton rho_p = alpha*rho kf_p = (rho_p*(3*math.pi**2))**(1/3) E_fp = (kf_p**2 + m_eff**2)**(1/2) rho_SB_p = (m_eff/(2.*math.pi**2))*(E_fp*kf_p - (m_eff**(2))*np.arctanh(kf_p/E_fp)) #Neutron rho_n = (1-alpha)*rho kf_n = (rho_n*(3*math.pi**2))**(1/3) E_fn = (kf_n**2 + m_eff**2)**(1/2) rho_SB_n = (m_eff/(2.*math.pi**2))*(E_fn*kf_n - (m_eff**(2))*np.arctanh(kf_n/E_fn)) rho_b = rho_p + rho_n rho_SB = rho_SB_p + rho_SB_n fvec_0 = (sigma*(m_sig**2)/g_sigma - rho_SB +(kappa*(g_sigma*sigma)**2)/2.\ + (lambda_0*(g_sigma*sigma)**3)/6.)**2 fvec_1 = (omega*(m_w**2)/g_omega - rho + (zeta*(g_omega*omega)**3)/6.\ + 2.*Lambda_w*g_omega*omega*(rho_03*g_rho)**2)**2 fvec_2 = (rho_03*(m_rho**2)/g_rho - (alpha-0.5)*rho + 2.*Lambda_w*g_rho*rho_03*(omega*g_omega)**2)**2 f=[(fvec_0),(fvec_1),(fvec_2)] return f
[docs] @njit def get_energy_pressure_alpha(x, rho, theta): """ Generate pressure and energy density at a given number density and proton fraction, (Faster Version Using Numba) Args: x (array): An array that consists of the initial values of sqrt(sigma), sqrt(omega), and rho obtained from the initial_values function. rho (float): The central density from which the computation of the equation of state begins. theta (array): An array representing the parameters used to determine a RMF model in the Lagrangian. In this case, the RMF model is defined by 11 parameters, where the last parameters is the proton fraction (alpha). Returns: energy_density (float): EOS ingredient, energy density in natural units. pressure (float): EOS ingredient, pressure in natural units. """ sigma_sqrt, omega_sqrt, rho_03 = x sigma = sigma_sqrt**2 omega = omega_sqrt**2 m_sig, m_w, m_rho, g_sigma, g_omega, g_rho, kappa, lambda_0, zeta, Lambda_w, alpha = theta m_n = 4.7583690772 m_p = 4.7583690772 m_eff = m_n - (g_sigma*sigma) #Proton rho_p = alpha*rho kf_p = (rho_p*(3*math.pi**2))**(1/3) E_fp = (kf_p**2 + m_eff**2)**(1/2) energy_p = (1/(8.*(math.pi**2)))*(kf_p*E_fp*(2*kf_p**2+m_eff**2) - np.log((kf_p + E_fp)/m_eff)*m_eff**4) integral_p = 1/4 * ( 1.5 * m_eff**4*np.arctanh(kf_p/E_fp) - 1.5*kf_p*m_eff**2*E_fp + kf_p**3*E_fp ) Pressure_p = 1/3*(1/math.pi**2 * integral_p) #Neutron rho_n = (1-alpha)*rho kf_n = (rho_n*(3*math.pi**2))**(1/3) E_fn = (kf_n**2 + m_eff**2)**(1/2) energy_n = (1/(8.*(math.pi**2)))*(kf_n*E_fn*(2*kf_n**2+m_eff**2) - np.log((kf_n + E_fn)/m_eff)*m_eff**4) integral_n = 1/4 * ( 1.5 * m_eff**4*np.arctanh(kf_n/E_fn) - 1.5*kf_n*m_eff**2*E_fn + kf_n**3*E_fn ) Pressure_n = 1/3*(1/math.pi**2 * integral_n) #Total energy_b = energy_p + energy_n Pressure_b = Pressure_p + Pressure_n sigma_terms = 0.5*((sigma*m_sig)**2) + (kappa*((g_sigma*sigma)**3))/6.\ + (lambda_0*((g_sigma*sigma)**4))/24. omega_terms = 0.5*((omega*m_w)**2) +(zeta*((g_omega*omega)**4))/8. rho_terms = 0.5*((rho_03*m_rho)**2)+ 3.*Lambda_w*((g_rho*rho_03*g_omega*omega)**2) energy_density = energy_b + sigma_terms + omega_terms + rho_terms Pressure = Pressure_p + Pressure_n - sigma_terms + omega_terms + rho_terms return energy_density, Pressure
[docs] def get_eos_alpha(theta, single_point = False): """ Generate EOS for a given alpha, (Faster Version Using Numba) Args: theta (array): An array representing the parameters used to determine a RMF model in the Lagrangian. In this case, the RMF model is defined by 11 parameters, where the last defined the proton fraction (alpha). single_point (boolean): Allows for the return of a single point of the EoS. Returns: rho (array): EOS ingredient, density in fm-3. energy_density (array): EOS ingredient, energy density in natural units. pressure (array): EOS ingredient, pressure in natural units. """ if not single_point: x_init = np.array(initial_guess_alpha(0.05, theta)) dt = 0.006 N_points = 125 Density = np.empty(N_points, dtype=float) Energy = np.empty(N_points, dtype=float) Pressure = np.empty(N_points, dtype=float) for i in range(N_points): rho = 0.04 + i*dt arg = np.append(theta, rho) sol = optimize.root(fields_alpha, np.array(x_init).astype(np.float64) ,method='lm', args = arg.astype(np.float64)) x_init = sol.x Re = get_energy_pressure_alpha(x_init.astype(np.float64), rho, theta.astype(np.float64)) Density[i] = (rho) Energy[i] = (Re[0]*oneoverfm_MeV/gcm3_to_MeVfm3) Pressure[i] = (Re[1]*oneoverfm_MeV/dyncm2_to_MeVfm3) rh = Density ep = Energy * g_cm_3 pr = Pressure * dyn_cm_2 return rh, ep, pr else: rho = single_point x_init = np.array(initial_guess_alpha(rho, theta)) arg = np.append(theta, rho) sol = optimize.root(fields_alpha, np.array(x_init).astype(np.float64) ,method='lm', tol=1e-15, args = arg.astype(np.float64)) Re = get_energy_pressure_alpha(sol.x.astype(np.float64), rho, theta.astype(np.float64)) return rho, Re[0] * oneoverfm_MeV / gcm3_to_MeVfm3 * g_cm_3 , Re[1] * oneoverfm_MeV / dyncm2_to_MeVfm3 *dyn_cm_2