# Python packages
import numpy as np
import math
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
from scipy.constants import pi
from scipy.integrate import odeint, ode
from matplotlib import pyplot
from scipy import optimize
from itertools import repeat
def m1_from_mc_m2(mc, m2):
"""a function that feed back the companion star mass from GW event measurement.
mc (float): chrip mass of a GW event, unit in solar mass.
m2 (float or numpy array): the determined mass for one of the star, this
is computed from sampling of EoS.
m1 (float or numpy array): the companion star mass in solar mass.
m2 = np.array(m2)
num1 = (2. / 3.)**(1. / 3.) * mc**5.
denom1 = ((9 * m2**7. * mc**5. + np.sqrt(3.) *
np.sqrt(abs(27 * m2**14. * mc**10. -
4. * m2**9. * mc**15.)))**(1. / 3.))
denom2 = 2.**(1. / 3.) * 3.**(2. / 3.) * m2**3.
return num1 / denom1 + denom1 / denom2
def pressure_adind(P, epsgrid, presgrid):
idx = np.searchsorted(presgrid, P)
if idx == 0:
eds = epsgrid[0] * np.power(P / presgrid[0], 3. / 5.)
adind = 5. / 3. * presgrid[0] * np.power(eds / epsgrid[0], 5. / 3.) * 1. / eds * (eds + P) / P
if idx == len(presgrid):
eds = epsgrid[-1] * np.power(P / presgrid[-1], 3. / 5.)
adind = 5. / 3. * presgrid[-1] * np.power(eds / epsgrid[-1], 5. / 3.) * 1. / eds * (eds + P) / P
ci = np.log(presgrid[idx] / presgrid[idx-1]) / np.log(epsgrid[idx] / epsgrid[idx-1])
eds = epsgrid[idx-1] * np.power(P / presgrid[idx-1], 1. / ci)
adind = ci * presgrid[idx-1] * np.power(eds / epsgrid[idx-1], ci) * 1. / eds * (eds + P) / P
return adind
def TOV(r, y, inveos):
pres, m = y
#eps = 10**inveos(np.log10(pres))
eps = inveos(pres)
dpdr = -(eps + pres) * (m + 4.*pi*r**3. * pres)
dpdr = dpdr/(r*(r - 2.*m))
dmdr = 4.*pi*r**2.0 * eps
return np.array([dpdr, dmdr])
def TOV_def(r, y,inveos,ad_index):
"""a function that packing the whole TOV equations set
r (float): raius as integrate varible
y (psudo-varible): containing pressure, mass, h and b as intergarte varibles
to solve out the TOV equation
inveos: the invert of the eos, pressure and energy density relation to integrate
and interpolate.
Mass (array): The array that contains all the Stars' masses, in M_sun as a
Radius (array): The array that contains all the Stars's radius, in km.
Tidal Deformability (array): The array that contains correpsonding Tidal property,
These are dimension-less.
pres, m,h,b = y
#energy_density = 10**inveos(np.log10(pres))
eps = inveos(pres)
dpdr = -(eps + pres) * (m + 4.*pi*r**3. * pres)
dpdr = dpdr/(r*(r - 2.*m))
dmdr = 4.*pi*r**2.0 * eps
dhdr = b
dfdr = 2. * np.power(1. - 2. * m / r, -1) * h * \
(-2. * np.pi * (5. * eps + 9. * pres + (eps + pres)**2. /
(pres*ad_index)) + 3. / np.power(r,2) + 2. *
np.power(1. - 2. * m / r,-1) * np.power(m / np.power(r,2) +
4. * np.pi * r * pres,2)) \
+ 2. * b / r * np.power(1. - 2. * y[1] / r, -1) * \
(-1. + m / r + 2. * np.pi * np.power(r,2) * (eps - pres))
return np.array([dpdr, dmdr, dhdr, dfdr])
# Function solves the TOV equation, returning mass and radius
def solveTOV_tidal(center_rho, energy_density, pressure):
"""Solve TOV equation from given Equation of state in the neutron star
core density range
center_rho(array): This is the energy density here is fixed in main
that is np.logspace(14.3, 15.6, 50)
energy_density (array): Desity array of the neutron star EoS, in MeV/fm^{-3}
Notice here for simiplicity, we omitted G/c**4 magnitude, so
(value in MeV/fm^{-3})*G/c**4, could convert to the energy density we are
using, please check the Test_EOS.csv to double check the order of magnitude.
pressure (array): Pressure array of neutron star EoS, also in nautral unit
with MeV/fm^{-3}, still please check the Test_EOS.csv, the conversion is
(value in dyn/cm3)*G/c**4.
Mass (array): The array that contains all the Stars' masses, in M_sun as a
Radius (array): The array that contains all the Stars's radius, in km.
Tidal Deformability (array): The array that contains correpsonding Tidal property,
These are dimension-less.
#eos = UnivariateSpline(np.log10(eps), np.log10(pres), k=1, s=0)
#inveos = UnivariateSpline(np.log10(pressure), np.log10(energy_density), k=1, s=0)
#We could change this to Double Log Interpolation。
c = 3e10
G = 6.67428e-8
Msun = 1.989e33
eos = UnivariateSpline(energy_density, pressure, k=3, s=0)
inveos = UnivariateSpline(pressure, energy_density, k=3, s=0)
Pmin = pressure[20]
r = 4.441e-16
dr = 10.
rmax = 50 * 1e5
rhocent = center_rho * G/c**2.
#pcent = 10**eos(np.log10(rhocent))
pcent = eos(rhocent)
P0 = pcent - (2.*pi/3.)*(pcent + rhocent) *(3.*pcent + rhocent)*r**2.
m0 = 4./3. *pi *rhocent*r**3.
h0 = r**2.
b0 = 2. * r
stateTOV = np.array([P0, m0, h0,b0])
ad_index = pressure_adind(P0, energy_density, pressure)
sy = ode(TOV_def, None).set_integrator('dopri5')
#have been modified from Irida to this integrator
sy.set_initial_value(stateTOV , r).set_f_params(inveos,ad_index)
while sy.successful() and stateTOV[0]>Pmin:
stateTOV = sy.integrate(sy.t+dr)
dpdr, dmdr, dhdr, dfdr= TOV_def(sy.t+dr, stateTOV, inveos,ad_index)
dr = 0.46 * (1./stateTOV[1] * dmdr - 1./stateTOV[0]*dpdr)**(-1.)
Mb = stateTOV[1]
Rns = sy.t
y = Rns * stateTOV[3] /stateTOV[2]
tidal = tidal_deformability(y, Mb, Rns)
return Mb*c**2./G/Msun, Rns/1e5,tidal
def solveTOV(center_rho, energy_density, pressure):
"""Solve TOV equation from given Equation of state in the neutron star
core density range
center_rho(array): This is the energy density here is fixed in main
that is np.logspace(14.3, 15.6, 50)
energy_density (array): Desity array of the neutron star EoS, in MeV/fm^{-3}
Notice here for simiplicity, we omitted G/c**4 magnitude, so
(value in MeV/fm^{-3})*G/c**4, could convert to the energy density we are
using, please check the Test_EOS.csv to double check the order of magnitude.
pressure (array): Pressure array of neutron star EoS, also in nautral unit
with MeV/fm^{-3}, still please check the Test_EOS.csv, the conversion is
(value in dyn/cm3)*G/c**4.
Mass (array): The array that contains all the Stars' masses, in M_sun as a
Radius (array): The array that contains all the Stars's radius, in km.
#eos = UnivariateSpline(np.log10(energy_density), np.log10(pres), k=1, s=0)
#inveos = UnivariateSpline(np.log10(pres), np.log10(energy_density), k=1, s=0)
#We could change this to Double Log Interpolation。
c = 3e10
G = 6.67428e-8
Msun = 1.989e33
eos = UnivariateSpline(energy_density, pressure, k=3, s=0)
inveos = UnivariateSpline(pressure, energy_density, k=3, s=0)
Pmin = pressure[20]
r = 4.441e-16
dr = 10.
center_rho = center_rho * G/c**2.
#pcent = 10**eos(np.log10(rhocent))
pcent = eos(center_rho)
P0 = pcent - (2.*pi/3.)*(pcent + center_rho) *(3.*pcent + center_rho)*r**2.
m0 = 4./3. *pi *center_rho*r**3.
stateTOV = np.array([P0, m0])
sy = ode(TOV, None).set_integrator('dopri5')
#have been modified from Irida to this integrator
sy.set_initial_value(stateTOV , r).set_f_params(inveos)
while sy.successful() and stateTOV[0]>Pmin:
stateTOV = sy.integrate(sy.t+dr)
dpdr, dmdr = TOV(sy.t+dr, stateTOV, inveos)
dr = 0.46 * (1./stateTOV[1] * dmdr - 1./stateTOV[0]*dpdr)**(-1.)
return stateTOV[1]*c**2./G/Msun, sy.t/1e5