import TOVsolver.constant as constant
import TOVsolver.solver_code as TOV_solver
import TOVsolver.EoS_import as EoS_import
import EOSgenerators.crust_EOS as crust
import EOSgenerators.RMF_EOS as RMF
import TOVsolver.main as main
from scipy import interpolate
import numpy as np
import math
oneoverfm_MeV = constant.oneoverfm_MeV
c = constant.c
G = constant.G
def MRlikihood_kernel(eps_total,pres_total,x,d1):
"""Computing likelihood from a distribution of MR measurement
eps_total (array): the energy density of full EoS in MeV/fm3, times a G/c**2 factor
pres_total (array): the pressure from full EoS model in MeV/fm3, times a G/c**4 factor
x (kde.kernel): the distribution kernel of MR measurement.
d1 (float): the sampled density of this measurement
likelihood (float): likelihood feed back for this given paramter set-up.
kernel = x
if d1 ==0 :
likelihood = -1e101
if all(x<y for x,y in zip(eps_total[:], eps_total[1:])) and all(x<y for x, y in zip(pres_total[:], pres_total[1:])):
MR = main.OutputMRpoint(d1,eps_total,eps_total).T
if len(MR[0]) == False:
likelihood = -1e101
likelihood = np.log(kernel.evaluate((MR[0], MR[1])))
if likelihood <= -1e101:
return -1e101
return likelihood
def TidalLikihood_kernel(eps_total,pres_total,x,d1):
"""Computing likelihood from a distribution of Gravitational wave measurement
eps_total (array): the energy density of full EoS in MeV/fm3, times a G/c**2 factor
pres_total (array): the pressure from full EoS model in MeV/fm3, times a G/c**4 factor
x (kde.kernel): containing kernelGW and chirp, kernelGW is the distribution kde.kernel
sampled from full GW measurement, in [chrip mass, M2/M1, tidal of M1, tidal of M2] sequence.
chrip mass is the sampling from chrip mass term in GW events solely.
d1 (float): the sampled density of this measurement
likelihood (float): likelihood feed back for this given paramter set-up.
kernelGW,chrip = x
if d1 ==0 :
likelihood = -1e101
if all(x<y for x,y in zip(eps_total[:], eps_total[1:])) and all(x<y for x, y in zip(pres_total[:], pres_total[1:])):
MRT = main.OutputMRTpoint(d1,eps_total,eps_total).T
M1 = TOV_solver.m1_from_mc_m2(chrip_mass, MRT[1][0])
Tidal_line = main.OutputMRT('',eps_total,eps_total).T
if len(MRT[0]) == False or len(Tidal_line[0]) == False:
likelihood = -1e101
chrip_mass = chrip.resample(1)
MTspline = interpolate.interp1d(Tidal_line[1],Tidal_line[2], k=1, s=0)
point = np.array([[chrip_mass], [MRT[1][0]/ M1],[MTspline(M1)], [MRT[2][0]]])
likelihood = np.log(kernelGW.evaluate(point))
if likelihood <= -1e101:
return -1e101
return likelihood
def MRlikihood_Gaussian(eps_total,pres_total,x,d1):
"""Computing likelihood from a simulation gaussian distribution of MR measurement
eps_total (array): the energy density of full EoS in MeV/fm3, times a G/c**2 factor
pres_total (array): the pressure from full EoS model in MeV/fm3, times a G/c**4 factor
x (float array): [Mvalue, Rvalue, Mwidth, Rwidth], Mvalue is the Mass center value of this
simulated measurement, Rvalue is the Radius center of it, Mwidth is the 1-sigma width of
this Mass measurement, Rwidth is the 1-sigma width of this radius measurement.
d1 (float): the sampled density of this measurement
likelihood (float): likelihood feed back for this given paramter set-up.
Mvalue, Rvalue, Mwidth,Rwidth = x
sigma_x = Rwidth
sigma_y = Mwidth
if d1 ==0 :
likelihood = -1e101
if all(x<y for x,y in zip(eps_total[:], eps_total[1:])) and all(x<y for x, y in zip(pres_total[:], pres_total[1:])):
MR = main.OutputMRpoint(d1,eps_total,eps_total).T
if len(MR[0]) == False:
likelihood = -1e101
fx = 1/(sigma_x*sigma_y*(np.sqrt(2*np.pi))**2)*np.exp(-np.power(MR[0][0]-Rvalue, 2.)/(2*np.power(sigma_x,2.))-np.power(MR[1][0]-Mvalue, 2.)/(2*np.power(sigma_y,2.)))
likelihood = np.log(fx)
if likelihood <= -1e101:
return -1e101
return likelihood
def Masslikihood_Gaussian(eps_total,pres_total,x,d1):
"""Computing likelihood from a simulation gaussian distribution of Mass measurement
eps_total (array): the energy density of full EoS in MeV/fm3, times a G/c**2 factor
pres_total (array): the pressure from full EoS model in MeV/fm3, times a G/c**4 factor
x (float array): [Mvalue, Mwidth], Mvalue is the Mass center value of this
simulated measurement, Mwidth is the 1-sigma width of this Mass measurement.
d1 (float): the sampled density of this measurement
likelihood (float): likelihood feed back for this given paramter set-up.
Mvalue, Mwidth = x
sigma_y = Mwidth
if d1 ==0 :
likelihood = -1e101
if all(x<y for x,y in zip(eps_total[:], eps_total[1:])) and all(x<y for x, y in zip(pres_total[:], pres_total[1:])):
MR = main.OutputMRpoint(d1,eps_total,eps_total).T
if len(MR[0]) == False:
likelihood = -1e101
if MR[0][1]>= Mvalue:
likelihood = 0
fx = 1/(sigma_y*(np.sqrt(2*np.pi))**2)*np.exp(-np.power(MR[1][0]-Mvalue, 2.)/(2*np.power(sigma_y,2.)))
likelihood = np.log(fx)
if likelihood <= -1e101:
return -1e101
return likelihood
def Kliklihood(theta,K_low,K_up):
"""Computing likelihood from a hard cut constraint of K.
theta (array): An array representing the parameters used to determine a RMF model in the
Lagrangian. In this case, the RMF model is defined by 7 parameters.
K_low (float): lower bound of this K constraint.
K_up (float): upper bound of this K constraint.
likelihood (float): likelihood feed back for this given paramter set-up.
g_sigma, g_omega,g_rho, kappa, lambda_0, zeta, lambda_w = theta
m_sig = 495 / oneoverfm_MeV
m_w = 3.96544
m_rho = 3.86662
m_b = 939
E_per =-16.28
m_sig =495/oneoverfm_MeV
m_eff = (0.55+np.random.random_sample()*0.1)*m_b
kappa_one = kappa*oneoverfm_MeV
m_sig_one = m_sig*oneoverfm_MeV
m_w_one = m_w*oneoverfm_MeV
rho = 0.1505* (197.33**3 )
k_f = (0.5*3.*rho*math.pi**2)**(1/3.)
E_f = (k_f**2 + m_eff**2)**(1/2)
g_w_omega = E_per - E_f + m_b
sigma = m_b - m_eff
m_sig_star_sqr_g_sig_sqr = (m_sig_one**2/g_sigma**2)+ (kappa_one*sigma) + 0.5*lambda_0*sigma**2
m_w_star_sqr = m_w_one**2 + 0.5*zeta*(g_omega**2)*(g_w_omega**2)
# Components o f rho_s_prime
term1 = k_f/E_f
term2 = E_f**2 + (2*m_eff**2)
term3 = 3*m_eff**2
term4 = np.log((k_f+E_f)/m_eff)
rho_s_prime = (1/math.pi**2)*(term1*term2 - term3*term4)
dM_drho = -(m_eff/E_f)*(1./(m_sig_star_sqr_g_sig_sqr+rho_s_prime))
M_Ef = m_eff/E_f
dEf_drho = math.pi**2/(2*k_f*E_f)
dW0_drho = g_omega**2/m_w_star_sqr
K = 9.*rho*(dEf_drho+dW0_drho+(M_Ef*dM_drho))
center = (K_low + K_up)/2
width = (K_up - K_low)/2
p_K = -0.5*abs( center - K)**10./width**10.
return p_K
def Jliklihood(theta,J_low,J_up):
"""Computing likelihood from a hard cut constraint of J.
theta (array): An array representing the parameters used to determine a RMF model in the
Lagrangian. In this case, the RMF model is defined by 7 parameters.
K_low (float): lower bound of this J constraint.
K_up (float): upper bound of this J constraint.
likelihood (float): likelihood feed back for this given paramter set-up.
g_sigma, g_omega,g_rho, kappa, lambda_0, zeta, Lambda_w = theta
m_sig = 495 / oneoverfm_MeV
m_w = 3.96544
m_rho = 3.86662
m_b = 939
E_per =-16.28
m_sig =495/oneoverfm_MeV
m_eff = (0.55+np.random.random_sample()*0.1)*m_b
kappa_one = kappa*oneoverfm_MeV
m_sig_one = m_sig*oneoverfm_MeV
m_w_one = m_w*oneoverfm_MeV
rho = 0.1505* (197.33**3 )
k_f = (0.5*3.*rho*math.pi**2)**(1/3.)
E_f = (k_f**2 + m_eff**2)**(1/2)
g_w_omega = E_per - E_f + m_b
J_0 = k_f**2/(6*E_f)
J_1 = (1/8.)*(rho*g_rho**2)/(m_rho**2+(2*Lambda_w*(g_w_omega**2)*g_rho**2))
J = J_0 + J_1
center = (J_low + J_up)/2
width = (J_up - J_low)/2
p_J = -0.5*abs( center - J)**10./width**10.
return p_J
def Lliklihood(theta,L_low,L_up):
"""Computing likelihood from a hard cut constraint of L.
theta (array): An array representing the parameters used to determine a RMF model in the
Lagrangian. In this case, the RMF model is defined by 7 parameters.
K_low (float): lower bound of this L constraint.
K_up (float): upper bound of this L constraint.
likelihood (float): likelihood feed back for this given paramter set-up.
g_sigma, g_omega,g_rho, kappa, lambda_0, zeta, Lambda_w = theta
m_sig = 495 / oneoverfm_MeV
m_w = 3.96544
m_rho = 3.86662
m_b = 939
E_per =-16.28
m_sig =495/oneoverfm_MeV
m_eff = (0.55+np.random.random_sample()*0.1)*m_b
kappa_one = kappa*oneoverfm_MeV
m_sig_one = m_sig*oneoverfm_MeV
m_w_one = m_w*oneoverfm_MeV
rho = 0.1505* (197.33**3 )
k_f = (0.5*3.*rho*math.pi**2)**(1/3.)
E_f = (k_f**2 + m_eff**2)**(1/2)
J_0 = k_f**2/(6*E_f)
J_1 = (1/8.)*(rho*g_rho**2)/(m_rho**2+(2*Lambda_w*(g_w_omega**2)*g_rho**2))
J= J_0 + J_1
g_w_omega = E_per - E_f + m_b
m_star_sqr_E_f_sqr = m_eff**2/E_f**2
rho_m_star = 3*rho/m_eff
sigma = m_b - m_eff
m_sig_star_sqr_g_sig_sqr = (m_sig**2/g_sigma**2)+\
(kappa*sigma) + 0.5*lambda_0*sigma**2
# Components o f rho_s_prime
term1 = k_f/E_f
term2 = E_f**2 + (2*m_eff**2)
term3 = 3*m_eff**2
term4 = np.log((k_f+E_f)/m_eff)
rho_s_prime = (1/math.pi**2)*(term1*term2 - term3*term4)
dM_drho = -(m_eff/E_f)*(1./(m_sig_star_sqr_g_sig_sqr+rho_s_prime))
m_w_star_sqr = m_w**2 + 0.5*zeta*(g_omega**2)*(g_w_omega**2)
L_0 = J_0*(1+(m_star_sqr_E_f_sqr*(1. -(rho_m_star*dM_drho))))
L_1 = 3.*J_1*(1.- 32.*(g_omega**2/m_w_star_sqr)*g_w_omega*Lambda_w*J_1)
L= L_0 + L_1
center = (L_low + L_up)/2
width = (L_up - L_low)/2
p_L = -0.5*abs( center - J)**10./width**10.
return p_L