import TOVsolver.constant as constant
from TOVsolver.EoS_import import EOS_import
import numpy as np
def PolyInterpolate(eps_crust, pressure_crust):
"""Polytrope connecting crust part of equation of state to core part
eps_crust (array): the energy density of crust EoS in MeV/fm3, times a G/c**2 factor
pres_crust (array): the pressure from crust EoS model in MeV/fm3, times a G/c**4 factor
eps_combine (float): EOS ingredient, combined crust and inter-crust part energy density in
MeV/fm3, times a G/c**2 factor
pres_combine (float): EOS ingredient, combined crust and inter-crust part pressure in MeV/fm3,
times a G/c**2 factor
c = constant.c
G = constant.G
xs_polytro = np.logspace(11.7, 14.28, num=1000, base=10)
ys_polytropic = (4.75764e29 + 9.04238e13 * xs_polytro**(4/3)) * G / c**4
xs_polytropic = xs_polytro * G / c**2
eps_combine = np.append(eps_crust, xs_polytropic)
pres_combine = np.append(pressure_crust, ys_polytropic)
return eps_combine, pres_combine